Today I started this book. It promises that if I follow the steps as they are in here, I should have a side hustle that generates some income.

This is the book:

Today is Wednesday, May 18 2022. If I read this book consistently by end of month of June, I’d have a side hustle generating me income.

For Day 1, the books asks me to visualize where I want to be at the end of these 27 days. Among the example of goals given, I seem to fit in goal #2:

By end of 27 days, I will have created a sustainable and ongoing source of income that makes a real difference in my quality of life.

That statement can bring many questions, like what type of side hustle will that be? How much income will it be bringing?

Looking inward, I am interested in SAAS business (Software As A Service). Therefore I am hoping I will have something like a SAAS side hustle that generates some revenue. At this point I don’t care how much money will be coming in monthly, as long as some money that is greater than zero hits my account at the end of every month.

I can’t wait to see what other days will have in store as I follow this book, but that doesn’t sound like a too complicated goal, right? Come along and let’s see what we can build in 27 days ahead
