This month I started training myself to reading books. I always want to read books, but I always had an excuse why not to, and as I type this, I have a lot of books here in my living room that I never read. This month I decided to put an end to this. I decided to fight procrastination.

I decided that every day, at 7PM, I will stop whatever I am doing and make progress on the books I will be reading. There is no deadline, I will finish the book when I finish it. So far I have managed to remain consistent and I just finished my first book!

Since I am interested in entrepreneurship, and Software Engineering, it was natural for me to pick a book in that field.

The book I chose to start with is Hello Startup:

In this chapter, the author inspired my to start a bog, and try writing a blog each day, for 30 days or so to build my muscle memory, and the more I do that, the better I will get. He inspired me to share all the knowledge I have with the world, and by teaching what I know, I get to know even more.

The first few entries I expect them to be not that great, and sometimes misspells and all embarrassing sentences you can think of! I don’t expect them to be perfect, so long I keep going until I get better as I go! I will try to keep to this mantra: “Done is better than perfect”.

Initially, this blog will contain 2 main categories:

  1. The books I read as I go, and some of the knowledge I learn from them. If you want to follow me on this reading journey, get yourself a copy of the book, and I will be posting about what I read.

Since I just finished the book Hello Startup, the first few posts will be a revisit and summary of what I read, but I will not be reading the whole book again, just a quick review of a few of the chapters.

The next book I am starting is called “Side Hustle : From Idea to Income in 27 days”

I chose this book because the same author who wrote it wrote the book I read already called “The $100 Startup”.

I will probably read that again once I finish this one.

As I read a chapter, I will make a blog about what I read, and what I learned from it.

2. The challenges I have been working on at work, get some ideas and feedback, and share some knowledge I get from those same problems.

I am a Senior Software Engineer at an NGO company here in Seattle, I have been in this industry for some times now. Hopefully some of the stuff I will share will be new to you my fellow readers, and I am looking forward to learning from you as well. Topic will be about anything I am working on. I can be some C# code I am updating and refactoring, some DevOps involving Terraform work, or Azure Pipelines, etc.

This will be exciting journey, and I would like to welcome you along.

Daniel N.